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2007 ACMRS Symposium

Men in Horns: The Fancied and Real World of the Vikings

Saturday, 3 November 2007
9:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Scottsdale Civic Center Library Auditorium

Co-sponsored by the Scottsdale Public Library

Free and open to the public.

Schedule of Events

9:30: Doors Open. Registration and display of local Scandinavian exhibits

10:30: Presentations –

Tracy Sands , University of Colorado – Boulder

Maria-Claudia Tomany , Minnesota State University

Ron Newcomer , Arizona State University

1:00: Door Prize Drawing

1:10: Film Presentation: In the Shadow of the Raven / Í skugga hrafnsins (1988

The 2007 ACMRS Symposium will be “Men in Horns: The Fancied and Real World of the Vikings,” which is being cosponsored with the Scottsdale Public Library. This year's symposium will consist of three speakers discussing various aspects of Viking life and culture. Tracy Sands, from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Maria-Claudia Tomany, of Minnesota State University Mankato, will each deliver separate lectures on Viking topics; and Ron Newcomer, of Arizona State University, will round out the symposium with his presentation of a video montage of Viking-oriented films. In addition to these speakers, we are in the process of confirming participation in the symposium by a number of local Scandinavian groups (these activities will be confirmed and announced at a later date). This event is also free and open to the public.