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2002 ACMRS Symposium

J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Behind The Lord of the Rings

More than 200 people attended this symposium at the ASU Memorial Union, Pima Room, on 2 November 2002.

Three speakers comprised the panel: Randel Helms of the ASU English Department spoke about The Adventures of Tom Bombadil: Hobbit Poetry; Ron Newcomer of the ASU Theatre Department demonstrated the challenges of Turning Tolkien's Prose into the Visual Language of Film; and Tom Shippey, Walter J. Ong endowed chair at St. Louis University in Missouri, entertained everyone with his description of Trees, Chainsaws, and the Visions of Paradise in J.R.R. Tolkien.

Tolkien fans also had the opportunity to browse the book displays by ACMRS' MRTS and Changing Hands Bookstore, win door prizes, see video presentations about J.R.R. Tolkien, and ask questions. If you missed the symposium or would like to relive the magic of Middle Earth that day, please take a look at the videos and share them!