From time to time, ACMRS offers free public lectures by both local and visiting scholars. Below is a list of recent speakers.
Dr. James Helfers, Professor of English, Grand Canyon University, "Medieval Pilgrimage Narratives and Their Maps"
Dr. John Bowers, Department of English, UNLV, "J. R. R. Tolkien and the Pardoner's Tale"
The Sixth Biennial ASU Chaucer Celebration featuring, Kim Zarins, California State University, Sacramento
Dr. Nina Berman, Professor of International Letters and Cultures, ASU, "Categories of Exclusion and Inclusion during the Islamic Middle Ages"
Dr. Stephen Marques Matuszak, Theology and Philosophy, Notre Dame Preparatory, "The virtues in the writings of Saint Bonaventure and the impact on Franciscan Masters"
Dr. Dino S. Cervigni, Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "The Decameron Unknown to Boccaccio’s (and Chaucer’s) Scholars"
Antonio Herrería Fernández, ASU, "Between Excellence & Mediocrity: Analyzing the Tall Poppy Allegory in the Plays of Lope and Shakespeare"
Malcolm Comeaux, ASU, "Two Medieval Games & What They Say About Society"
Frederick Kiefer, University of Arizona, "Why Hamlet and Horatio Cannot Agree"
Daniel Holcombe, ASU, "Queering Don Quixote"
Sharonah Fredrick, ACMRS, "Legends of Celtic Exploration in the Ancient Americas: Saints, Princes, & Red-Haired Gods"
Patrick Geary, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University, "Genomic Research on European Migrations at the End of Antiquity"
Mauricio Suchowlansky, ASU, "From Inequality to Wonderful Equality: Society and Civil Discord in Machiavelli's Florentine Histories"
Meghan Nestel, ASU, "A Space of Her Own: Genderfluidity and Negotiation in the Life of Christina of Markyate"
Andrew Laird, Warwick University, "Aztec Scholars: Appropriations of European Classical Learning by Native Writers in Post-Conquest Mexico"
Sharonah Fredrick, ACMRS, "Tempe as Cultural Crossroads: American Southwest During the Age of Empire"
Robert Bjork, ASU, "Beowulf of the Many Faces"
Juliet Wilkins, ASU, "'Venite Adoramus:' Richard III, York Motets and Pageantry, and the Liturgy of Sovereignty"
Angelica Pujol, ASU, "Early Modern Mexico Through Image and Text"
Sharonah Fredrick ACMRS, "Vampire Lore from Transylvania to Ancient Peru"
Eric Breault, ASU, "The Grim Reaper as Religious Icon"
Yamrot Teshome, ASU, "Challenging Social Norms: Ethiopian Women in the Medieval Era"
Zaellotius Wilson, ASU, "Sancha's Palace-Monastery Complex: The Rebuilding of the Leonese Community in the Eleventh Century"
Sharonah Fredrick, ACMRS, "Celtic and Native American Legends: Shared Symmetries from Medieval Arizona to the High Court of Tara
Jaime Lara, ASU, "Apocalypse in the Andes: Saint Francis, the Incas, and Militant Angels"
Catherine Saucier, ASU, "John the Evangelist as 'summus secretarius' in Medieval Music, Exegesis, and Iconography"
Robert Bjork, ASU, “Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained: The Power of Outreach, Marketing, and Development in Medieval and Renaissance Studies”
Heather Maring, ASU, "Lords and Retainers in the Old English Genesis A, Andreas, and Advent Lyrics"
Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona, "Madness in the Middle Ages – Epiphany or Mental Illness? Alternative Perspectives on Insanity from a Medieval Point of View"
John Henry Adams, ASU, "What is Between the Covers: Books and the Public/Private Divide"
Jordan Loveridge, ASU, "Saintly Topoi: The Liberatory Rhetoric of the Medieval Miracle Collections"
Christopher Roberts, ASU, "Horses, Boars, and Migrating Tribes: Artistic Content and Identity Politics in Early Medieval England"
Arthur Russell, ASU, "The Sense of Feeling in Richard Rolle's Incendium Amoris"
Catherine Saucier, ASU, "Visionary, Innovator, and . . . Composer? Juliana of Cornillon and the New Feast of Corpus Christi"
Norbert Samuelson, ASU, "Light and Enlightenment in Early Modern Philosophy and Religion"
David Baum, West Texas A&M University, "Fascism & the Italian Renaissance"
Christopher Roberts, ASU, "Hypothesis Testing in the Humanities? A Digital Contribution to the Debate on Early “Germanic” Identity"
Alaya Swann, ASU, "Navigating 'That Narrow Space': Mystical Midwifery and Birgitta of Sweden"
Brent C. Landau, University of Oklahoma, "Christmas from the Wise Men's Point of View: The Revelation of the Magi"
Richard Newhauser, ASU, "The Chaucerian Multisensual"
Gerard J. Brault, The Pennsylvania State University, "Return to Roncesvalles: Reflections on the Song of Roland"
Catherine Saucier, ASU, "Civic Rhetoric in the Martyrial Liturgy and Hagiography of Medieval Liège"
Paul Brand, All Souls College, Oxford, "Formal record and courtroom reality in 13th-century England"
Bryan VanGinhoven, ASU, "The Pilgrim, the Beggar, and the Virgin: Recognizing the Sacred in Twelfth-Century St. Albans Abbey"
Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona, "Friendship and the Medieval Hero"
Ryan Paul, ASU, "Iconoclasm and Devotional Poetry in Early Modern England"
Penny Richards (University of Cheltenham) and Jessica Muns (Director of Gender and Women Studies – University of Denver), “The Myth of the Guise”
Rachel Scott, ASU, “Leper Hospitals in Medieval Ireland”
Brian McGuire, Roskilde University, Denmark, “The Meaning of Christianization: The Case of Denmark, 700 – 1300”
C. Stephen Jaeger, "Alcuin and the Music of Friendship"
Amy Holbrook, "Allegorical Representations of the Discipline of Music in Medieval Latin Literature"
William Chester Jordan, "'Convenable and Convenient for Suche Offices': Anti-Corruption Campaigns in Thirteenth-Century Principalities"
Stephen Murray, "The Spaces of Medieval Architecture and Virtual Reality"
Donka Minkova, "Alliteration Rules! From Old to Middle English"
Robert Stockwell, "Emendation and the Chaucerian Metrical Template"
Dale Kent, "Patronage and Patriarchy in Renaissance Florence"
Paul Sellin, "The Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana": Sir Walter Raleigh's "Lost" Gold Mine on the Orinoco
William Calin, "Intertextual Play and the Game of Love: The Quarrel over La Belle Dame sans mercy"
Teresa Sanchez Roura, "Anachronisms in the Townley Play of Noah"
Juan Sanz Ballesteros and Miguel Angel Coso Marin, "Escenografia contempora-nea para teatro espanol del Siglo de Oro"
Paul Monod, "One Royal Body or Two? The Problem of Sacred Monarchy in Early Modern Europe"
Luuk Houwen, "The Bestiary Genre: A Reassessment"
John W. Williams, "History as Myth, Myth as History: The Tomb of the Apostle at Santiago de Compostela"
Jan Papy, "The Transformations of Stoicism in the 16th Century: Erasmus and Lipsius Editing and Interpreting Seneca"
Eric Hollas, "The Saint John's Bible"
Anders Fröjmark, "From the Wedding in Copenhagen to the Blood Bath of Stockholm: The Scandinavian Kingdoms in the Age of the Kalmar Union (1397-1523)"