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ACMRS Conference 2013 - Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
ACMRS Conference 2013 - Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Beasts, Humans, and Transhumans in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

ACMRS welcomed papers that explore any topic related to the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and especially those that focus on the theme of beasts, humans, and transhumans, both in literal and metaphorical manifestations.

Keynote speaker: Professor Juliana Schiesari, Chair, Department of Comparative Literature, Professor of French/Italian and Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis. Professor Schiesari’s areas of research include: feminist theory, psychoanalysis, Renaissance and early modern literature, women's literature and cultural studies. She is currently writing a book on the politics of domestication of women and animals.