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Short Term Residencies

Short Term Residencies

ACMRS Short Term Residencies

The ACMRS Short Term residencies enable scholars who have earned a PhD in a premodern field to pursue their research for a period of four to six weeks. The residency is designed to allow scholars to focus on finishing projects for publication. The Director of ACMRS and senior members of ACMRS’ in-house press can provide publishing advice and mentoring. Opportunities for graduate student mentorship are also available.

A New Model

In line with ACMRS’ mission, the ACMRS Short Term Residencies are designed to be as inclusive as possible and allow maximum flexibility. As such, the residencies may be held for a period of four to six weeks, a portion of the residency may be conducted remotely, or the residency may be divided into shorter segments over the course of the award year. Each residency carries a stipend of $7,500.



Candidates must have earned the doctoral degree in a premodern field by the time of application. Scholars of color, members of groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the academy, and early career scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.


Applications for the 2024-25 Short-Term Residencies are closed. We will open applications for the 2025-26 residencies in the spring of 2025. 

Please submit a project description of no more than 1,000 words outlining the research that will be undertaken during the period of residency, including your preferred residency period and how you wish to structure the tenure of the award, a current curriculum vitae, and contact information for two references familiar with your research.


Meet our residents


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Learn about the Mellon Foundation funded RaceB4Race: Sustaining, Building, Innovating project.

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